Ethics Statement for Movement intelligence
Teachers, Trainers, and Student Teachers Bones for Life is a certificate program that stimulates bone strength by cultivating
intelligent weight-bearing posture and movement. Certified Bones for Life
and Trainers, as well as those applying for certification, will:
• Aspire to the highest standards of professional expertise and practice
• Always act in the best interest of the student and profession
• Treat all students professionally, with respect and dignity
• Conduct themselves in a manner that promotes public trust and confidence,
enhances the reputation of the profession, and protects the safety of each student
• Acknowledge the limitations of, and safety adaptations for, Bones for Life
and refer students to appropriate health professionals when necessary
• Represent their qualifications honestly, including education and professional
affiliations, and only provide services they are qualified to perform
• Accurately inform students, other health care practitioners, and the public
about the scope and limitations of their discipline
• Maintain confidentiality of client information
• Maintain professional boundaries and refrain from engaging in any
inappropriate sexual conduct with students.